A hodgepodge of backwards unscripted scripting

Most days I awake thinking “what a blessing to be our here living as full-time RVer’s.” Since we last posted we have been wintering in Las Vegas after returning from our summer/fall travels in June-October of 2020. In case you are wondering, yes we are very eager to get back out on the road to continue our “Unscripted Shenanigans” journey.

Willow Beach AZ

This week , I scheduled our vaccination appointments through the VA for next month. I am not excited about being vaccine, but if I was going to get the shot, I only wanted to get stuck one time and that meant waiting for the J&J vaccine to be released. We agree that forethought has us preparing that we should get it prior to our departure as we have no clue what the restrictions or requirements may be this summer. Our plan is to be out on the road for the next four or five months.

During this pandemic we chose to adhere to mask and social distance guidelines throughout our travels. Both my husband and I are high risk and have worked hard to stay safe and healthy during our travels. Since I have a social butterfly personality, it has been interesting. to watch me limit my interactions with anyone we met.

So, we left Alaska mid pandemic (May 2020), just the two of us in our jeep (Swirl) headed to Las Vegas to pick up our coach (Ankle Biter). Upon arrival, rather than take off after signing the paperwork, we opted to sit in the dealerships campground for several weeks as we learned how the functions worked and gradually got more confident and familiar with the workings of our coach. We were able to get some warranty work completed and gained knowledge on how to map out our routes for traveling. When it reached 115 degrees in Vegas, these Alaskans had to get in the wind and on the road. LOL, realizing real quick that although an RV is our home, it is not a house. Even with two AC units, they just could not keep up with the demand to keep our coach cool. So, off we went to Northern California, where it was definitely cooler by a whooping fifty degrees! Our three-day trip turned into three amazingly peaceful and memorable weeks!

Valley of Fire Las Vegas, NV